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Sunday, May 5, 2019

Dream Job! 13 Lakhs Salary Only For Sleeping

Some people think that there job should be more comfortable, should be given more money and they don't have to do any work.
Surprisingly some people get this type of jobs!
Nowadays there are a lot of ways for earning money. You can go for Blogging, YouTube, Affiliate marketing etc. But in these fields you have to work little bit.
But in this job you only have to take sleep. So let's see that which is the job that gives '13 lakhs salary only for sleeping.'

Dream Job! 13 Lakhs Salary Only For Sleeping

The NASA and European Space Agency(ESA) are searching 24 people for the testing of zero gravity. Those who participate in this test run for 60 days will get a lot of money. Selected people will be grouped in two teams as 12 candidates in one team.

In these 60 days they only have to sleep on their beds. In this test the participants body will be a little upside down( there head will be slightly down and legs will be slightly up)

Why NASA and ESA are conducting this test?

In this test the blood flow of the candidates will be reduced. After staying for very long time in the space, the astronauts' muscle faces unusual actions. The NASA and ESA wants to know that what happens to the human body in the zero gravity. Also they will get more valuable knowledge about human body in space.

Where the test is conducted?

The test is conducted in Germany. The amazing thing is that, the participants will be able to see T.V, reading books and play some games too.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Change your comment interface, Topic is nice

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